42. Brunt T, Smith AL (2025). Habitat quality and water availability affect genetic connectivity of platypus across an urban landscape. Animal Conservation, DOI: doi.org/10.1111/acv.13011. Read online, PDF, Data
41. Brunt T, Cecil M, Griffiths J, Adams-Hosking C, Murray PJ, Smith AL (2025). Environmental DNA reveals habitat variables driving platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) distribution across an urbanised landscape. Ecology & Evolution 15, e70783. Read online, PDF, Data
40. Roberts I, Milner RNC, Howland B, Lumbers J, Gilbert M, Smith AL (2024). Effects of abiotic restoration through rock addition on invertebrate functional diversity in native temperate grasslands. Restoration Ecology, e14192. Read online, PDF, Code
39. Csergő AM, Healy K, O'Connell DP, Baudraz MEA, Kelly DJ, Ó Marcaigh F, Smith AL, Villellas J, White C, Yang Q and Buckley YM (2023). Spatial phenotypic variability is higher between island populations than between mainland populations worldwide. Ecography, e06787. Read online, PDF, Data
38. Charles FE, Brady MJ and Smith AL (2023). Use of road infrastructure for movement by common terrestrial vertebrates. Wildlife Letters 1, 97-106. Read online, PDF, Code
37. Smith, A.L., Kanjithanda, R.M., Hayashi, T., French, J. and Milner, R.N.C. (2023), Reducing herbicide input and optimising spray method can minimise non-target impacts on native grassland plant species Ecological Applications 33, e2864. Read online, PDF, Code
36. Di B, Firn J, Buckley YM, Lomas K, Pausas JG and Smith AL (2022) The impact of roadside burning on genetic diversity in a high-biomass invasive grass. Evolutionary Applications 15, 790–803, Read online, PDF, Code
35. Villellas J, Ehrlén J, Crone EE, Csergő AM, Garcia MB, Laine A-L, Roach DA, Salguero-Gómez R, Wardle GM, Childs DZ, Elderd BD, Finn A, Munné-Bosch S, Bachelot B, Bódis J, Bucharova A, Caruso CM, Catford JA, Coghill M, Compagnoni A, Duncan RP, Dwyer JM, Ferguson A, Fraser LH, Griffoul E, Groenteman R, Hamre LN, Helm A, Kelly R, Laanisto L, Lonati M, Münzbergová Z, Nuche P, Olsen SL, Oprea A, Pärtel M, Petry WK, Ramula S, Rasmussen PU, Enri SR, Roeder A, Roscher C, Schultz C, Skarpaas O, Smith AL, Tack AJM, Töpper JP, Vesk PA, Vose GE, Wandrag E, Wingler A, Buckley YM (2021). Phenotypic plasticity masks range-wide genetic differentiation for vegetative but not reproductive traits in a short-lived plant. Ecology Letters, 24, 2378-2393, Read online, PDF.
34. Kelly LT, Giljohann KM, Duane A, Aquilué N, Archibald S, Batllori E, Bennett AF, Buckland ST, Canelles Q, Clarke MF, Fortin M-J, Hermoso V, Herrando S, Keane RE, Lake FK, McCarthy MA, Morán-Ordóñez A, Parr CL, Pausas JG, Penman TD, Regos A, Rumpff L, Santos JL, Smith AL, Syphard AD, Tingley MW, Brotons L (2020). Fire and biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Science370, eabb0355, PDF.
33. Smith AL, Hodkinson TR, Villellas J, Catford JA, Csergő AM, Blomberg SP, Crone EE, Ehrlén J, Garcia MB, Laine A-L, Roach DA, Salguero-Gómez R, Wardle G, Childs DZ, Elderd BD, Finn A, Munné-Bosch S, Baudraz MEA, Bódis J, Brearley FQ, Bucharova A, Caruso CM, Duncan RP, Dwyer JM, Gooden B, Groenteman R, Hamre LN, Helm A, Kelly R, Laanisto L, Lonati M, Moore JL, Morales M, Olsen SL, Pärtel M, Petry WK, Ramula S, Rasmussen PU, Enri SR, Roeder A, Roscher C, Saastamoinen M, Tack AJM, Töpper JP, Vose GE, Wandrag EM, Wingler A, Buckley YM (2020). Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 117, 4218-4227, PDF, Code
32. Driscoll DA, Smith AL, Blight SR, Sellar I (2019). Interactions among body size, trophic level and dispersal traits predict beetle detectability and occurrence responses to fire. Ecological Entomology 45, 300-310, Abstract
31. Catford JA, Smith AL, Wragg P, Clark AT, Kosmala M, Cavender-Bares J, Reich PB, Tilman D (2019). Traits linked with species invasiveness and community invasibility vary with time, stage and indicator of invasion in a long-term grassland experiment. Ecology Letters 22, 593-604 Abstract, Read online, Code
30. Smith AL, Kujala H, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Guja LK, Burns EL, Nathan R, Alacs E, Barton PS, Bau S, Driscoll DA, Lentini PE, Mortelliti A, Rowe R, Buckley YM (2018). Managing uncertainty in movement knowledge for environmental decisions. Conservation Letters, e12620 Read online, PDF
29. Smith AL (2018). Increasing editorial diversity: strategies for structural change. Fire 1, 42 Read online, PDF
28. Kelly LT, Brotons L, Giljohann Katherine M, McCarthy Michael A, Pausas JG and Smith AL (2018). Bridging the divide: integrating animal and plant paradigms to secure the future of biodiversity in fire-prone ecosystems. Fire 1, 29 Read online, PDF
26. Smith AL (2018) Successional changes in trophic interactions support a mechanistic model of post-fire population dynamics. Oecologia 186, 129–139. Abstract,PDF
25. Olah G, Smith AL, Asner GP, Brightsmith DJ, Heinsohn RG, Peakall R (2017). Exploring dispersal barriers using landscape genetic resistance modelling in scarlet macaws of the Peruvian Amazon. Landscape Ecology 32, 445-456. Abstract,Read online
24. McDougall A, Milner RNC, Driscoll DA, Smith AL (2016). Restoration rocks: integrating abiotic and biotic habitat restoration to conserve threatened species and reduce fire fuel load. Biodiversity and Conservation 25, 1529-1542. Abstract, PDF
23. Smith AL, Landguth EL, Bull CM, Banks SC, Gardner MG, Driscoll DA (2016). Dispersal responses override density effects on genetic diversity during post-disturbance succession. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 283, 20152934. Abstract,PDF
22. Smith AL, Blanchard W, Blair D, McBurney L, Banks SC, Driscoll DA, Lindenmayer DB (2016). The dynamic regeneration niche of a forest following a rare disturbance event. Diversity and Distributions 22, 457-467. Abstract, PDF
21. Barton PS, Lentini PE, Alacs E, Bau S, Buckley YM, Burns EL, Driscoll DA, Guja LK, Kujala H, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Mortelliti A, Nathan R, Rowe R, Smith AL (2015) Guidelines for using movement science to inform biodiversity policy, Environmental Management 56, 791-801. Abstract
20. Banks SC, Lorin T, Shaw RE, McBurney L, Blair D, Blyton MDJ, Smith AL, Pierson JC, Lindenmayer DB (2015) Fine-scale refuges can buffer demographic and genetic processes against short-term climatic variation and disturbance: a 22 year case study of an arboreal marsupial. Molecular Ecology 24, 3831-3845. Abstract
19. Smith AL, Bull CM, Gardner MG, Driscoll DA (2014) Life history influences how fire affects genetic diversity in two lizard species. Molecular Ecology 23, 2428–2441. Abstract, PDF
18. Driscoll DA, Banks SC, Barton PS, Ikin K, Lentini PE, Lindenmayer DB, Smith AL and 15 others (2014) The trajectory of dispersal research in conservation biology. Systematic review. PLOS One 9 e95053. Abstract, PDF
17. Barton PS, Ikin K, Smith AL, MacGregor C, Lindenmayer DB (2014) Vegetation structure moderates the effect of fire on bird assemblages in a heterogeneous landscape. Landscape Ecology 29, 703-714. Abstract
16. Lindenmayer DB, Blanchard W, McBurney L, Blair D, Banks SC, Driscoll DA, Smith AL, Gill AM (2014) Complex responses of birds to landscape-level fire extent, fire severity and environmental drivers. Diversity and Distributions 20, 467-477. Abstract
15. Smith AL, Blair D, McBurney L, Banks SC, Barton PS, Blanchard W, Driscoll DA, Gill AM, Lindenmayer DB (2014). Dominant drivers of seedling establishment in a fire-dependent obligate seeder: climate or fire regimes? Ecosystems 17, 258-270. Abstract, PDF
14. Banks SC, Cary GJ, Smith AL, Davies I, Driscoll DA, Gill AM, Lindenmayer DB, Peakall R (2013) How does ecological disturbance influence genetic diversity? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28, 670-679. Abstract
13. Driscoll DA, Banks SC, Barton PS, Lindenmayer DB, Smith AL (2013) Conceptual domain of the matrix in fragmented landscapes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28, 605-613. Abstract
12. Smith AL, Bull CM, Driscoll DA (2013) Successional specialisation in a reptile community cautions against widespread planned burning and complete fire suppression. Journal of Applied Ecology 50, 1178-1186. Abstract, PDF
11. Teasdale LC, Smith AL, Thomas M, Whitehead CA, Driscoll DA (2013) Detecting invertebrate responses to fire depends on sampling method and taxonomic resolution. Austral Ecology 38, 874-883. Abstract, PDF
10. Lindenmayer DB, Blanchard W, McBurney L, Blair D, Banks SC, Driscoll DA, Smith AL, Gill AM (2013). Fire severity and landscape context effects on arboreal marsupials. Biological Conservation 167, 137-148. Abstract
9. Driscoll DA, Smith AL, Blight SR, Maindonald J (2012). Reptile responses to fire and the risk of post-disturbance sampling bias. Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 1607-1625. Abstract
8. Smith AL, Bull CM, Driscoll DA (2012). Post-fire succession affects abundance and survival but not detectability in a knob-tailed gecko. Biological Conservation 145, 139-147. Abstract, PDF
7. Smith AL, Gardner MG, Fenner AL, Bull CM (2009). Restricted gene flow in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Wildlife Research 36, 466-478. Abstract, PDF
Peer-reviewed technical and natural history publications
6. Smith AL, Bull CM, Driscoll DA (2013). Skeletochronological analysis of age in three 'fire-specialist' lizard species. The South Australian Naturalist 87, 6-17. Abstract, PDF
5. Smith AL, Meulders B, Bull CM, Driscoll DA (2012). Wildfire-induced mortality of Australian reptiles. Herpetology Notes 5, 233-235. PDF
4. Smith AL, Gardner MG, Bull CM, Driscoll DA (2011). Primers for novel microsatellite markers in “fire-specialist” lizards (Amphibolurus norrisi, Ctenotus atlas and Nephrurus stellatus) and their performance across multiple populations. Conservation Genetics Resources 3, 345-350. Abstract, PDF
3. Smith AL, Fenner AL, Bull CM, Gardner MG (2009). Genotypes and nematode infestations in an endangered lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Applied Herpetology 6, 300-305. Abstract, PDF
2. Fenner AL, Schofield JA, Smith AL, Bull CM (2008). Observations of snake predation on the pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna 38, 105-109.
1. Gardner MG, Sanshez JJ, Dudaniec RY, Rheinberger L, Smith AL, Saint KM (2008). Tiliqua rugosa microsatellites: isolation via enrichment and characterisation of loci for multiplex PCR in T. rugosa and the endangered T. adelaidensis. Conservation Genetics 9, 233-237. Abstract