Jan 2018: Today I embark on two new roles: I’m beginning a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship to investigate the consequences of changing fire regimes on plant populations and I’m joining editorial board Journal of Applied Ecology.
Fire has had a profound influence on the evolution of plant traits but fire regimes are changing rapidy, becoming more frequent and intense even in ecosystems without a long history of fire. In my FIRESCAPE genomics project, I will examine European plant species which are invasive in Australia to understand what happens to plant populations when they are subjected to more frequent fire. This should help us understand how plant species will respond to the increases in fire frequency that are occurring in Europe with climate change.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie is a hero and I am grateful to be the recipient of an award named in her honour. She had an inherent drive to discover and contribute to society in the face of intense adversity, and she did both these things without dwelling on the adversity. Even in her time, she spent a good deal of time fundraising so it’s fitting that one of our funding pathways is named for her, particularly one that is effective in providing opportunities to women scientists.
I’m looking forward to my role as Associate Editor with Journal of Applied Ecology. This is my first editorial position I’ll be learning about the process with my mentor at the journal A/Prof. Michael Bode (JCU).
Marie Skłodowska-Curie is a hero and I am grateful to be the recipient of an award named in her honour. She had an inherent drive to discover and contribute to society in the face of intense adversity, and she did both these things without dwelling on the adversity. Even in her time, she spent a good deal of time fundraising so it’s fitting that one of our funding pathways is named for her, particularly one that is effective in providing opportunities to women scientists.
I’m looking forward to my role as Associate Editor with Journal of Applied Ecology. This is my first editorial position I’ll be learning about the process with my mentor at the journal A/Prof. Michael Bode (JCU).